Plan Your Visit

A place for your kids

We have a fun atmosphere where your kids can learn about Jesus for kids aged 0 to 7 years old.

What To Wear

There is no dress code when coming to place of victory. Come in what's comfortable to you.

Service Length

Our Sunday service is an hour long and include a time of worship and a message. Feel free to hang out afterwards to connect!

Yes, We Have Coffee

We will have coffee and various breakfast treats available for free at our service.

Join us


Expect to be greeted by friendly team members with love and warmth from the moment you arrive. We are dedicated to serving the community with passion and humility. Our Team Members will be close-by to make you feel welcome and answer any questions you may have.

Expect a culturally diverse environment, live band and for our message to be practical and relevant.

All in all, what you can expect at Place of Victory is pretty much what you can expect when visiting friends – to be respected, taken-care-of and to leave feeling that you’re glad you came.


Take the next step

Let us know you're coming

  • Meet you at the front door
  • Introduce you around
  • Give you a tour of the church
  • Save a seat for you in the auditorium

Our Location

27747 E Kettle Place, Aurora, CO 80026